Last night while coming out of a meeting I happened to look up at the sky and viewed a long line of lights in perfect order heading west to east twinkling away and moving quite quickly. I grabbed a quick shot of it with my little Fuji X-E2 but I was more concerned as to what it might be. I did post it to my Facebook page and the Facebook hive mind gave me all the answers. It turned out to be Starlink a satellite by the Space X corporation. So with a little more knowledge and a search on the web I found out I would have a second chance at viewing it again. This time a little more prepared I headed out my front door just after sunset and viewed it around 6:35PM this evening. This time using my Nikon D780 using an ISO of 6400 and an exposure of about 1.6 seconds at F2.8 with my 24-70mm lens at 24mm. Still needs work but I enjoyed the experience and watching it happen before my eyes.