Congressman John Lewis R.I.P.

With the recent passing of Congressman John Lewis I remembered his visit to Lowell MA back in 2002. Then Congressman Marty Meehan brought him for a visit to Middlesex Community College at the Nesmith House. The event was hosted by then MCC President Carole Cowan and Lura Smith It was a pleasure to be able to capture a moment with a man of such historical significance.

This entry was posted in Event.


  1. Lura Smith July 20, 2020 at 3:29 pm #

    My Dear Friend Kevin:
    Congressman John Lewis truly made his mark on history!
    Along with his visit to Lowell I had the honor to meet Congressman Lewis on the Civil Rights Pilgrimage to Alabama (touring Selma, Montgomery and Birmingham). I was the guest of Former Congressman and Mrs. Marty Meehan and together we all crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge as well as walking the Alabama journey of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Thank you for sharing with others the legacy of this great man.
    For me and my family these are precious memories.
    We are so grateful to be “Living the Dream With You,“
    Lura Smith Family
    The Lura Smith Fund/MCCF

  2. Peggy Hassett July 20, 2020 at 9:25 pm #

    Middlesex Community College and Lowellians were honored to have shared time with “The Conscience of the Congress.” Congressman John Lewis truly was a beacon of light and hope in our world. Surely, Heaven has acquired a brilliant glow upon his arrival.

  3. bill bribery July 23, 2020 at 10:56 am #

    Great pics…! as usual