A special Saturday post with some night views I did last night of the Comet Neowise. I had been seeing some dynamic photos on social media taken and wanted my own local version of it. I had read it would present itself in the Northwest part of the sky just after sunset. Looking for a high point in the area I found myself at the Atkinson Country Club overlooking the driving range. This area gave me a high enough view with open skies without too may trees to block the view. It’s amazing how long the sun actually provides light this time of year and it was about 9:30PM before I started to notice the comet by eye. Look for the Big Dipper and down to the right of it you should see it. Binoculars would help too.
For the technical questions on how I made these views I used a Nikon D800 with a 24-70mm 2.8, 50mm 1.8 and a 80-200mm 2.8 lens all on manual focus. My ISO was varied from 100-3200 with exposures made from 2.5 to 30 seconds. I made lots of mistakes and lots of bad exposures but well worth the effort. I may look for another location tonight. You should be able to enjoy the event for another week at least and it will be at it’s closest approach to earth on July 23, 2020.