Mill Power Portraits the Extras the Contest


I have been posting all week about Paul Marion’s Mill Power but today I just wanted to include some of the views that didn’t make the book.

I had a great time doing these portraits and hope to continue with this in some future shoots.

Can you name all the people on todays image?

Send your answers to and the first response with all the correct names will recieve a free copy of Mill Power.


This entry was posted in Portrait.


  1. Marie Sweeney October 17, 2014 at 5:12 pm #

    Besides me?

    • harkinsphoto October 17, 2014 at 9:21 pm #

      Ok Marie now you have to name all the others.

  2. Marie Sweeney October 22, 2014 at 12:22 pm #

    LNHP Superintendent Celeste Bernardo; Marie Sweeney; Mary Ellen Pollard Fitzpatrick; Dick Howe; Jim Cook; Janet Leggat; Jim Milinazoo, Bill Lipchitz; Tess….; James Ostis; Park Ranger; Steve Stowell; Bernie Lynch! (I’m embarrased not to know the Ranger names)… the brain weakens…

    • harkinsphoto October 23, 2014 at 12:55 pm #

      Excellent effort Marie. Joe Hungler says he has most of the names except for two.
      Let’s see who wins.