Sally Birke RIP of Birke’s Department Store Lowell MA


Sally Birke at Birke’s Department Store in Lowell MA in 2004 in the closing days.

Sally passed away recently and I remember well a shoot I did of her in the store.

I have a previous post on Birkes at this link.

You can see a little of the history and a link for the video at the Browsing Through Birke’s blog here

Here is a link for a slide show of views done from that day.

Along with a memento book I did for her daughter Szifra of the views taken that day here at my Blurb Books Link.

This entry was posted in Editorial, Personal, Portrait.

One Comment

  1. Szifra Birke January 2, 2013 at 3:41 pm #

    Thank you, Kevin.
    I so appreciate you doing this.


    Szifra Birke
    Author, Together We Heal
    6 Courthouse Lane, Unit 5
    Chelmsford, MA 01824

One Trackback

  1. […] had the opportunity to shoot some views in the closing days of Birke’s with Sally Birke and here are a few done as BxW be sure to check out the film event at UTEC in Lowell Thursday […]