Lowell Community Health Center Reception


Lowell Community Health Center just moved into their new location at Jackson St. in Lowell.

I was there to document an openning reception with some of their benefactors and community leaders.

An amazing job of work by the architects Durkee Brown Viveiros Werenfels.

I was proud to be back in my hometown and seeing the results of a community effort like this.

Here is a link to a previous post on their ground breaking reception in October of 2011 http://harkinsphoto.wordpress.com/2011/10/19/lchc-openning-celebration/.

This entry was posted in Event.

One Trackback

  1. […] Lowell Community Health Center had their ribbon cutting ceremony last week and the event was a full house. This 42 million dollar project will help benefit over 50,000 residents with their state of the art facility. Check out all the views at my Events Page on my Website. You can view an earlier benefactors event here. […]